Monday, August 28, 2006
Here it is ... A Sov vs Sub comp. Lets get in there and show them how to kick some booty.
Here is the website for the comp.
Now let get the Slaying started..
Weekly Squadron Reports
Slayer WSR # 25February 3rd, 2007CPT Quincy NelsonIntroductionHey guys. It's that time again. Well the comp is over and the SOV won. But not by much. So I want to thank those who put forth effort for it.Now on with the show.TC NewsFriday · February 02 · 2007 Ace of the TIE Corps Update15:27 - GA Astatine Firstly, congratulations to Zosite for winning the January 2007 Division of the Ace of the TIE Corps competition.Secondly, after some assistance from Kawolski, we now have a Multiplayer Ace display on the Pilot Kill Board. The points on this page are based on the date of awarding for LoCs and DFCs, with a LoC is worth 1 point and a DFC is worth 5.With this new feature in place, we now have two Ace competitions. The Single Player Ace of the TIE Corps February 2007 division is open and running, as well as the Multiplayer Ace competition. Both competitions give you the chance at an Iron Star with Gold Wings for being the monthly Ace, with an Iron Star with Platinum Wings going to the Ace for the year.LT Jaorrus Morraus awarded the Gold Star13:57 - GA Astatine As recommended by the Hobbit:LT Morraus created an Emperor's Hammer Recruitment video, and placed it on youtube. It can be seen here: This video is 6 minutes long, and complete with all attractive aspects of the Emperor's Hammer. I'm almost as certain it will attract new members, as I am certain that LT Morraus put large amounts of Effort into this. For this tremendous activity, way beyond the call of duty, I recommend him for the Gold Star of the Empire.Sovereign VS. Subjugator Competition Results!03:12 - HA Frodo March Firstly, I'd like to say that I am impressed with the Flag Officers of both these ships, as they have made this competition a success, and one to remember. Needless to say that their pilots are in good hands.Full results are available here. Allow me to announce that the SSSD Sovereign is the winner! Congratulations to CPT Rancorous, the most active participant!Good work guys. Needless to say that the Flight Office will have to put it down in order to top that month's competition! These two ships alone flew no less than 1410 missions.BTW, sign up for the BattleFront II space combat multiplayer tournament...e-mail:!Wednesday · January 31 · 2007 Omega Open!23:16 - HA Frodo March Congratulations to MAJ Diaboli, and the four other new Omegans. You can view the roster here.Good luck to all of you.Golden Tug Awards 2007!09:55 - VA Master Here we go again................. · January 29 · 2007 TAC SMASH!!!!06:30 - VA Master The TAC Office is proud to announce the following missions BUG FREE!!!!...TIE-TC Battle #35 - Unexpected EncounterXvT-TC Battle #1 - The Verpine EncounterXvT-DB Battle #14 - Rite of SupremacyXvT-FREE #5 - Kill Republic InfiltratorsMore to come shortly.Sunday · January 28 · 2007 FO Report #14 + XvT WoW Results!20:26 - HA Frodo March The XvT Week of War ended a few days ago, and the EH came in 7th place with the excellent work of LCM Zosite Konstyte Styles who managed 6 wins out of 7 matches. For his excellent efforts he was awarded the DFC moments ago.Furthermore, the 14th TCCOM Report has been released, and it contains juicy information concerning the Up and Coming SWBF II Tournament! You can find the report here.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slayer NewsCm Dave is now in another squadron. I am not happy about this but there is not much I can do about it.On a high note. We have LT. Trent here with us now. He has been given the FL spot fo Flight 3.Also about 4 weeks ago my yahoo email address was bouncing. So I am sorry for those who sent things in to it. I was not aware of it till about 1 week ago. The problem has been fixed. So if sent a Pilot file for me to BFS. Send it again and i'll get to it right away.Coolness.Mirc #emperor's_hammer * meeting time is 12:00 pm EST every Saturday. I'm usally there. But i won't be this saturday.( If you have any you think is kool. Let me know and I will start posting it here .)TransfersCm Dave ** To OmegaLT Trent ** Into Slayer & Into FL OF Flight 3Shiniesnone.CompsOk Slayer's first comp of the year.Coolness of the Week. # 2658Start * 2/5/07Ends * 3/30/07Medal * IS_BRThe person who submits the cooliest thing that I have seen all week. Wins for that week. The person who wins the most weeks out of the month wins the prize.LinksEH ** http://www.tiecorps.orgISD Subjugator ** XIX ** http://wingxix-.blogspot.comSlayer ** http://slayerreborn.blogspot.comMb's ** http://mb.emperorshammer.netCPT QuincyIRC, EmailsFlew FWSubmitted parts 2 & 3 of ficton. For Sub vs SovCOL TK-7764 EmailComment ** Glad to see you aroundLT Garik TageNo contactComment ** email me..CPT Claus Shteiner None. Comment ** who knows?MAJ Earnim Branet Email contact.Flew Xvt Frees 203 & 212Comment ** way to flyLCM Nikana Ayalia Email.Submitted Slayer Poll AnwsersComment ** Thank you for your Feedback.LCM Shark No contact.Comment ** Where is the SharksterLt. Trent DevsonTransfered into slayerPromoated to LT. & Flight Leader OF Flight 3Flew Tie Tc Battles 1 - 6Submited Slayer Poll AnwsersComment : Way to start off. Keep it up.LCM Todes Engelno contactComment ** hey... where you at?CM Verigos No contactComment ** Email me...Centurion [CNTR] (2000 points)* 2106 * COL TK-7764Decurion [DCRN] (750 points)* 979 * MAJ Earnim BranetGallant [GALL] (200 points)* 215 * CPT Quincy NelsonDragoon [DRAG] (100 points)* 133 * CPT Claus Shteiner * 130 * LCM SharkHussar [HUSS] (50 points)* 69 * CM VerigosLancer [LANC] (25 points)[47] LT Garik Tage [39] LCM Nikana Ayalia [34] LT Trent Devson [27] LCM Todes EngelSquadron Citations (7) XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger EncounterXWA-TC Battle 2 - First ContactXWA-TC Battle 4 - PrivateerXWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy DefectorXWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to AnvilXWA-TC Battle 12 - Imperium DeceptionXWA-TC Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part IILast WordsFor those of you who have not filled out the Slayer Poll. Please return it back as soon as possible."Maybe Love Will Find Us Again, For There Is Always Tomorrow, Sincerely Till The End." CMDR/CPT Quincy Nelson/Slayer/Wing XIX/ISD Subjugator
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Messengers Of Death
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Tie Phantom * Flights One & Three
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Squadron Citations
Squadron Citations (7)
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC Battle 12 - Imperium Deception
XWA-TC Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part II
Monday, August 21, 2006
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
Centurion [CNTR] (2000 points)
[2122] COL TK-7764
Decurion [DCRN] (750 points)
[979] MAJ Earnim Branet
Aquilifer [AQFR] (500 points)
[542] CM Dave Darklighter
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[144] CPT Quincy Nelson
[133] CPT Claus Shteiner
[130] LCM Shark
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)
[69] CM Verigos
[27] LCM Todes Engel
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)
[39] LCM Nikana Ayalia
[24] LT Garik Tage
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Join Slayer
If your tired of being the only acvtive person in your Squadron. Then Slayer is the place for you.
This Squadron stands on the purpose of setting the example of what all Squadrons should be.
So if your ready to do your part. I'd say your ready for Slayer.
Just click on one of the names under Command Staff. OR
EMail me at
Title the message. Join Slayer
Thank you for your time.
CMDR/CM Quincy Nelson/Slayer/Wing XIX/ISD Subjugator
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